Remembering Melanchthon

450 years ago today the greatest of Germany’s Reformers died.  Philipp Melanchthon perished on the 19th of April, 1560.  They’re observing the anniversary in Germany with big doings.  You can download a flyer here.

Melanchthon’s importance for the development of Protestant theology cannot be overestimated.  His contributions, in fact, exceeded Luther’s.  It was Melanchthon who systematized Protestant thought in his amazingly precise 1521 Loci (with many editions afterward).

Because of his significance, today is Melanchthon Day here at ye ole Blogg.  Watch for various and sundry snippets from him and about him as the day goes on.

In the meanwhile, here are some images of him, and his tomb-

Here’s a collection of his more important works (and here are more).  And here’s a list of web links that are worth checking out.

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