More Depravity from the ‘Westboro Baptist Church’

I feel compelled – every time I mention this cult – to say that they are not now nor have they ever been a ‘Baptist Church’.  They are, in fact, neither Baptist nor Christian.  So please, don’t associate all Baptists with these totally depraved hatemongers.

They’re headed to Wheeling this Saturday to protest, get this, Catholics and coalminers!!!!!  And the officer in charge of security has the best advice for the good people of that town-

“I think people in the Ohio Valley are educated enough that they know they’re looking to incite them into action,” Kimball said of the pickets. “People here know better.  Kimball said the pickets are not supposed to use a loudspeaker, and they’re not supposed to do any “shouting or yelling” at passersby.  Kimball noted the best thing people can do is ignore them.  “It’s like when a 2-year-old throws a tantrum. You ignore them and they will stop. … The same can be said for this group,” he said.

One day Westboro will die (though that day can’t come too soon).  I hope something just as bad, or worse, doesn’t take their place.