Israel Belongs to Christians- There’s Archaeological Proof!

Everyone else needs to get out.  There’s archaeological proof that Christians were there 1500 years ago and that’s before the Palestinians or the 1947 influx of Zionists.

Israeli archaeologists presented a newly uncovered 1,500-year-old church in the Judean hills on Wednesday, including an unusually well-preserved mosaic floor with images of lions, foxes, fish and peacocks.  The Byzantine church located southwest of Jerusalem, excavated over the last two months, will be visible only for another week before archaeologists cover it again with soil for its own protection.  The small basilica with an exquisitely decorated floor was active between the fifth and seventh centuries A.D., said the dig’s leader, Amir Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. He said the floor was “one of the most beautiful mosaics to be uncovered in Israel in recent years.”

There you have it.  The land belongs to Christians…

Israelis and Palestinians and all non Christians need to get out.  We will be bulldozing soon and we will use force of arms and any propaganda necessary.  We’ve learned well the lessons taught us by the modern State of Israel.

[Of course this is pure dripping sarcasm aimed at demonstrating the idiocy of claiming land belongs to someone just because there’s some textual or archaeological artifact dating back to some time in the hoary past.  But if Israel can claim the land belongs to it because of various finds and can even displace Palestinians because of that fiction, it’s only fair that the same standards be applied to everyone else.]

2 thoughts on “Israel Belongs to Christians- There’s Archaeological Proof!

  1. This is the part of the article I like: “Israel boasts an exceptionally high concentration of archaeological sites, including Crusader, Islamic, Byzantine, Roman, ancient Jewish and prehistoric ruins.”

    No. You think? So many archaeological sites must make Greece, Egypt, and China envious.


  2. If it belongs to anyone on your basis of thinking, it’s according to one colleague (Phy anthro) the Bedouin..he probably is right.


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