Gershon Galil: A Reconstruction of the Jerusalem Inscription

Gershon sends

… a new drawing of the Ophel Inscription based on my alternative reading […]m [yy]n hlq m[…]. AdaYardeni drew the original – I have added the reconstructed yods and mem). I am also adding a short note on the spelling of the word wine in different West Semitic Languages.

reproduction prohibited without the express written permission of Gershon Galil

reproduction prohibited without the express written permission of Gershon Galil

A short note on the spelling of the word “wine” in West Semitic Languages: In Ugaritic, Old Canaanite, Phoenician (Shiqmona: IEJ, 18 [1968], 227B:2), Ammonite, and even in the Kingdom of Israel (The Samaria Ostraca) wine was always written with only one yod (yn; ka-ra-nu: ye-nu = Aphek-Antipatris: TA 3 [1976], 137:2). But in (southern) Hebrew the form is always yyn (Epigraphic Hebrew [Lachish, Arad and more], Biblical Hebrew [without any exception], Ben Sira, Qumran, and even in the Rabbinic sources).