In Pennsylvania They Want to Counteract Gun Violence… With… Buckets… of Rocks… For the Students to Throw…

Not. The. Onion.

One school superintendent has a novel way to keep his students safe from school shooters: arming them with rocks.

David Helsel, superintendent of a school district in northeast Pennsylvania, explained his plan to a legislative education committee last week, drawing a flurry of local media coverage.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone,” Helsel explained about his Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County outside Harrisburg, in a video broadcast by ABC affiliate 16 WNEP. “If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full of students armed with rocks and they will be stoned.”

I give up.  America is officially too stupid to continue.  Come finish us off, God.

2 thoughts on “In Pennsylvania They Want to Counteract Gun Violence… With… Buckets… of Rocks… For the Students to Throw…

  1. But seriously, in an active shooter situation, if you can’t run, if you can’t hide, then throw something–anything–at the shooter. Even, say, your phone.


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