I Know What Luther Would Say to These ‘Lutherans’- And They Wouldn’t Like It

This essay addresses the recent ‘transgender service’ at a Lutheran ‘Church’ in Minnesota:

There is Christianity.  There is liberal Christianity, which stretches the term considerably.  There is heretical Christianity, which is outside the pale but at least claims to still be Christian.  At what point, though, does a religious expression cease to be Christian altogether?  Consider the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” Communion service at the ELCA’s Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, on November 15.

You can watch the service here, on YouTube.  If you don’t want to watch all 59 minutes, I’ll give you just a few highlights.

Instead of beginning “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” two of those terms being construed as sexist, the invocation in this service is “in the name of Creator, Christ, and the Holy Breath.”

There is a confession of sins, but it expresses our failure to be wild and free.  The absolution tells us that all shackles are broken and that God accepts us as we are.

The service avoids male terms for God–He, Him, Father, Lord–but then goes all in for gendered language to refer to God.  When it comes time to say the Lord’s Prayer, it is addressed to “Our mother who art in heaven.”

God is thereby transgendered!

We could go on, but let’s stop there.

He doesn’t actually stop.  He just stops talking about the ‘service’.  Read more at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/geneveith/2017/12/is-this-still-christianity/#QVbmOBqpgz2bMzyV.99

I know what Luther would say to that ‘Church’-

Whoever tolerates and listens to you should know that they are listening to the devil himself, incarnate and abominable, as he speaks out of the mouth of a possessed person.