How N.T. Wright and Josh McDowell Are Similar

Josh McDowell and NT Wright both believe in apologetics.  Both believe the Scriptures, and God, need to be defended because God (and Scripture) are insufficient in and of themselves.

Such a view (shared by a shocking many) is actually a devaluation of God and Scripture, because the stronger always defends the weaker and the weaker is always in need of defense by the stronger.

Therefore, unknown to the apologists, they actually play right into the hands of atheists and blasphemers because in ‘defending’ God they make God weak.

Let God be God.  The only defense God needs is none.  The only defense Scripture needs is to be heard in its own voice.  If people are unwilling to accept God as God, so what?  If people reject the revelation contained in Scripture, what is that to you?  They and they alone stand naked in the presence of God to give an account for their folly.  As will those, by the way, who arrogate to themselves the title of ‘God’s defenders’.

God needs you to defend him as much as a lion needs a flea to protect it.

11 thoughts on “How N.T. Wright and Josh McDowell Are Similar

  1. They’re similar in this way: neither are as awesome or convincing as Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Yeah, Way of the Master!

    No really, apologetics is often mind-numbingly pointless, and often, quite logically truncated.


  2. What is you source for this regarding N.T. Wright? I know his material fairly well and I am unaware of this claim of his.



    • ‘the resurrection story is so bizarre it must have happened’ comes immediately to mind. that, sir, is apologetics.


  3. Not a fan at all of McDowell, but I really enjoy Wright’s works. Jim, how can you resist his silky smooth accent?!?!


  4. silky smooth? scoff – he can barely sound his ‘r’s. Only one person in the world has a silky smooth ‘accent’ and God forgive him, he’s american, not a blinking pom.


  5. Overall, I’m very impressed by Wright’s ideas, but I agree that his apologetic sentiment comes through and detracts from some of his conclusions. I think he could really provide some revolutionary insights if he let go of those presuppositions.


  6. Pingback: James White on NT Wright’s Dismissal of the Importance of Scripture’s Infallibility | Pastoral Musings

  7. Dr. West,

    Hey, I don’t think apologetics is about defending God, rather it’s defending your beliefs to others. This, I believe, is extremely important. (Also, apologetics can help strengthen your faith, among other things)

    The Apostle Paul, for example, argued his case for Christ, all the while critiquing other beliefs that went against his.

    “So he [Paul] reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.” (Acts 17:17)

    When Paul was defending his ministry one thing written was, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

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