What I’m Reading Now

Emil Brunner’s withering slaughter of the theology of FDE Schleiermacher.

This one has, sadly, never been translated into English (why not????  It’s an amazing piece of polemic which devastates the very sort of theology underpinning ’emergent’ theology and modern (pseudo)ecclesiology.)   And besides never having been translated, it’s nearly impossible to find.

In this amazingly under-appreciated tome Brunner simply obliterates Schleiermacher’s notions of God and faith.  When he’s done, there’s nothing left of the old ‘liberal’ theology championed by Schleiermacher.  Schleier-macher is ‘shredded to ribbons’.  The theology of the mystic is set aside the theology of the Word, and the Word wins!

The best thing about this book, aside from its wit, is it’s unapologetic contempt.  Brunner simply loathes Schleiermacher and isn’t afraid to show it.  On nearly every page.

1 thought on “What I’m Reading Now

  1. Actually, it seems that most of Brunner’s writings are not in print in English in the U.S. I went looking the other day per your suggestion.


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