American Politicians Aren’t The Only Depraved Ones

And it’s not just men who do depraved things.  An Irish member of Parliament has broken the stereotype of the predator male politician by acts of infidelity against here husband, with a 19 year old kid (she’s 58, and, irony of ironies, her name is Mrs. Robinson…)

A political scandal riveting Northern Ireland has a certain cinematic feel: an affair by 58-year-old woman named Mrs. Robinson with a 19-year-old male lover. … But there is a serious side to the story of Iris Robinson, who also happens to be a member of Parliament and the wife of Peter Robinson — Northern Ireland’s government leader. The BBC reported that Iris Robinson allegedly solicited 50,000 pounds ($80,000) from businessmen so her young lover could open a restaurant — without disclosing the fact to lawmakers.

I can’t imagine the Irish taking too kindly to this sort of shenanigan. Though naturally these days being a ‘cougar’ is well-liked among loads of postmoderners.

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